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Trend Resumption Pattern: Trading the TKO
By Dave Landry | Published  09/23/2005 | Stocks | Unrated
Trend Resumption Pattern: Trading the TKO

In my eighth lesson for this series on swing trading, I explain a trend resumption pattern, my TKO pattern. This strongly trending pattern has a very quick and powerful pullback that "knocks out" the eager shorts and weak hands.  Watch my trading lesson for an in-depth explanation.

Make sure your sound is turned up when you watch my lesson. A new browser window will open and the lesson will begin playing immediately.

To watch the lesson, click here.

All of my video lessons, in date order, are located here.

Dave Landry is a President of Sentive Trading, a money management and research firm, and a Principal of Harvest Capital Management, a hedge fund. Mr. Landry can be contacted at